Bluna – On the Run
TV commercial / 25'' Agency: Kastner & Partner CD: Frank Dopheide Production company: Wunderwerk, Golbach & Andere, Harald Golbach Actors: Simon Burges, Charlie Kemp
TV commercial / 25'' Agency: Kastner & Partner CD: Frank Dopheide Production company: Wunderwerk, Golbach & Andere, Harald Golbach Actors: Simon Burges, Charlie Kemp
TV commercial 20'' Agency: Jung von Matt / Alster CD: Oliver Voss Production company: Big Fish Filmproduktion, Robert Gold
TV commercial 20'' Agency: Jung von Matt / Alster Production company: Fata Morgana, Henning Rieseweber
TV commercial 20'' Agency: Economia CD: Jochen Leisewitz Production company: Deichgraf Filmproduktion, Stephan Brockmann
TV commercial 30'' Agency: Scholz & Friends CD: Olaf Pöhler Production company: add pictures!, Tobias Seifert
TV commercial 30'' Agency: Heye & Partner CD: Andreas Vorberger Production company: R.E.M. Filmproduktion, Ernst Kalff
TV commercial 30'' Agency: Scholz & Friends CD: Olaf Pöhler Production company: add pictures!, Tobias Seifert
3 TV specs à 20'' Agency: Jung von Matt / Alster Art director: Sebastian Hahn Production company: Fata Morgana, Henning Rieseweber
TV commercial 25'' Agency: Kreutz & Partner CD: Bernd Kreutz Production company: R.E.M. Filmproduktion, Ernst Kalff
Cinema commercial / 60'' & 6 TV commercials à 10'' Agency: Rotor Medien AG Production company: Eidos Film The footage we used for editing the campaign is taken entirely from the actors' application videos for the SAT1 Actor's class. The task for the young actors was to realize a scene from a screenplay by Miguel Alexandre. There were no guidelines who to do it. See and be amazed
TV commercial 30'' Agency: Dongowski & Simon CD: Katrin Koch Production company: Leithaus Filmproduktion, Andreas Kunert
TV commercial 25'' Agency: For Sale CD: Stefan Filtgen Production company: picture planet filmproduktion, Georg Reiser
TV commercial 25'' Agency: Scholz & Friends CD: Olaf Pöhler Production company: add pictures!, Tobias Seifert
TV commercial 25'' Agency: Kreutz & Partner CD: Bernd Kreutz Production company: R.E.M. Filmproduktion, Ernst Kalff
TV commercial 25'' Agency: For Sale CD: Stefan Filtgen Production company: picture planet filmproduktion, Georg Reiser
Cinema commercial 60'' Agency: Zum goldenen Hirschen, Marcel Loko Production company: picture planet Filmproduktion / Johann Betz Actors: Bettina Hauenschild, Luc Feit Prices: Film Finalists Germany bei den EPICA Awards 1998