4.0 (spring 2024)
Conversion of the entire site from WPBakery Page Builder to Elementor, as many (sometimes painstakingly built) parts of the site no longer worked.
Inclusion of an info box for better orientation in the posts
Numerous design adjustments in the posts
Re-links and repairs
Mobile adjustments
Update of the English translation
3.0 (January 2022)
New home page
New subpages for image film etc
New photo credits page
Fixed: the logos in the footer now have the correct color again
2.4 (April 2020)
Backend changes (speed & performance improvements)
2.3 (March 2020)
Update in layout:
– New slider on the start page
– Re-sorting of projects
– Media gallery cleaned up
2.2 (December 2019)
The “Contact Us” page is now called “About Me”
New texts on the “About Me” page
Small changes in layout and site navigation
2.1 (January 2019)
Update in layout:
– Removed “Showreel” section. This is completely replaced by the “Portfolio” section.
– New (and more contemporary) photo on the contact page
– Fixed various errors in the translation
2.0 (May 2018)
– Conversion of the site to SSL
– English translation of the entire content including language switcher (work in progress)
– GDPR update: opt-in for the contact form, local integration of Google Fonts, deactivation of emojis, deactivation of Google Analytics, new data protection declaration, etc. (also work in progress, please do not warn us yet)
– The “News” are now correctly displayed on the “News” page again.
– In the “Projects” the “News” are no longer displayed.
If you find errors, please report them using my contact form
1.0.4 (May 2017)
Fixed: Error in the formatting of the contact form (thanks to Andreas Dietl for the info)
1.0.3 (March 2017)
Update: Added Instagram account
Fixed: links to accounts open on new pages
1.0.2 (Dec 2015)
Update: clickable phone number
Fixed: fixed the broken design of the mobile view of the contact page
1.0.1 (Nov 2015)
Update: LinkedIn links added
Fixed: removed the postman from the cover photo. Thanks to Jan Bernotat for the good eye.
Fixed: the quotes on the news page no longer scroll
1.0 (Nov 2015)
initial release
1.0b3 (Nov 2015)
technical stuff in the backend to make the site faster (gzip compression, browser caching)
Resize photos on Home page
Test implementation of VGWord cookies
Cleanup work in the test pages and posts that are no longer needed
Reintroduction of the search – now without annoying large format photos
1.0b2 (Nov 2015)
public beta
Change of address to www
Password protection for videos with unlicensed music
additions and corrections
Date for the “News”
Temporary removal of the search function
1.0b (Nov 2015)
limited release
0.1 – 0.9 (summer 2015)
Keys and search…
struggle with technology
Gradual filling of the page with content
Organization of working backups